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Erpe-Mere E40

Aspiravi nv has applied for an environmental permit for a new project consisting of one wind turbine alongside the E40 motorway in the municipality of Erpe-Mere.

In initiation:
onshore wind turbine
onshore wind turbine
total installed capacity
6 MW
total installed capacity
families / year
families / year
of carbon emissions avoided / year
8,365 tons
of carbon emissions avoided / year

Vragen over dit project?

Om u maximaal te informeren kan u op dinsdag 25 februari van 16u tot 19u terecht op de info-avond over dit project in Zaal Artichoke (Dorpsstraat 41, 9420 Erpe-Mere). U krijgt er individueel antwoord op uw vragen m.b.t. het windenergieproject in Erpe-Mere.

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Case in the spotlight


Borealis is counting on Aspiravi to obtain 100% of its electricity from renewables by 2030.

Read the Borealis case