On June 20, the official presentation of the only subsidized photovoltaic project in Catalonia, which will be located in Sant Fruitós de Bages, took place. The event took place at 7:30 pm in the multipurpose room of the NEXE - Espai de Cultura in Sant Fruitós de Bages and was attended by about 50 people.

The presentation was attended by the promoter of the project, the ASPIRAVI Group, the platform that makes possible the joint participation, Fundeen, and the expert cabinet in fair and sustainable local transition by the hand of Joan Hererra, Samsø. As speakers also participated Joan Carles Batanés, mayor of Sant Fruitós, who welcomed the attendees, and Santiago Martínez, general manager of km0 Energy, the collaborating company of Aspiravi expert in development and engineering of distributed generation photovoltaic projects.

The neighbors were able to learn first-hand about the characteristics of the project, highlighting that it is the only project that has been awarded a fixed energy tariff auction REER in Catalonia and in which you can invest from 500 €.

This type of regime adds a lot of security to the investment, having a closed price for the sale of energy awarded by the state in the third REER auction, which allows to have a stable income during the first 12 years of operation of the project.

In addition, the project prioritizes the investment exclusively among the population of the areas of Sant Fruitós, Bages, central Catalonia and those municipalities that are within a radius of 60 km.

This consists of a photovoltaic installation of 2.93 MWp of power with single-axis tracking and offers an annual return of 6.5% over a period of 5 years with quarterly interest payments, recovering the capital invested in the last payment to maximize such interest. The amount to be financed is 600.000€ corresponding to 25% of the total project amount.

This project represents a further step in the achievement of this social license, prioritizing the investment among the population closest to the solar plant.

The active participation of citizens and private companies in these projects not only encourages local investment and economic development, but also ensures that communities benefit directly from sustainable initiatives. By involving society in the investment and development of clean energy, the collective commitment to the energy transition is strengthened and greater environmental awareness and responsibility is promoted.

For his part, Iñaki Muñiz Director of ASPIRAVI Spain comments “We are very proud to develop a project that will not only bring economic benefits, but will also have a positive and real impact on the territory, so we encourage all citizens to participate.”

“At Fundeen we firmly believe that the energy transition must be a collective effort where citizens, companies and governments work together to achieve a cleaner and more responsible future” says Nacho Bautista, CEO of Fundeen.